Friday, 6 October 2023

गुनाहों की बही

खुद के गुनाहों की बही कब की भर चुकी,
हमारी अदना सी खता तक का हिसाब रखते हैं।
हर बार हबीब बनके रकीबों सा घाव देते रहे,
क़त्ल करके कहते हैं तुम्हें प्यार बेशुमार करते हैं।
-अदिति जैन "अदा"

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Navigating Gender Dynamics in Indian Workplaces: Examining Challenges Faced by Men Working Under Women


The Indian workplace landscape has changed a lot over the years, with women breaking barriers and making their presence felt across various industries. But as things change, so do the dynamics within it. One such evolving facet is the experience of men working under women. This feature delves into the complex issue of how some Indian men feel about having female bosses and why they feel that way.

Changing Workplace Dynamics

Women's Advancement in Indian Workplaces:
In recent decades, women in India have achieved significant milestones in education and career progression. This progress has resulted in an enhanced presence of women in leadership roles and management positions. Companies are recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and are actively promoting gender equality and inclusivity within their organizational frameworks.

The Perception Gap: Even though there's a positive shift towards gender diversity, there remains a perception gap when it comes to men working under women. Some men may feel uncomfortable or have negative feelings about having a female boss. To understand this phenomenon better, we need to look into the reasons behind these feelings more closely.

Factors Contributing to Negative Perceptions
Societal Expectations and Stereotypes:

Indian society has strong gender norms and stereotypes that influence attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. These traditional roles often mean men should occupy positions of authority and decision-making, while women are expected to be nurturing and supportive. These stereotypes can create a bias against women in leadership roles.

Cultural Factors: Cultural norms and practices exert a substantial influence on shaping workplace dynamics. The diverse cultural tapestry of India results in varying regional perspectives on gender roles. Some regions may be more accepting of female leadership, while others may have more conservative attitudes.

Lack of Exposure: For many Indian men, working under a female supervisor might be a relatively new experience. Limited exposure to female leaders in their formative years can contribute to discomfort or uncertainty when confronted with a female boss.

Fear of Loss of Face: In a society that places a high value on reputation and "saving face," some men may fear that reporting to a woman undermines their masculinity. This fear can drive negative perceptions and resistance to female leadership.

Navigating Challenges and Building Inclusivity
Breaking Stereotypes: 

To change how people think about this, we need to challenge and prove wrong the old ideas that are stuck in people's minds. Companies can do this by teaching their employees about why having different kinds of leaders is a good thing. They can do this through special training programs that talk about diversity and including everyone.

Mentorship and Role Models: To help men become more comfortable working under female supervisors, mentorship programs and access to strong female role models can be invaluable. Exposure to successful women in leadership positions can demystify female leadership and create more acceptance. 

Open Dialogue: Creating an environment where employees feel secure in expressing their concerns and questions is crucial. Open and constructive dialogue can help correct misunderstandings and facilitate improved communication between superiors and subordinates, irrespective of gender.

Encouraging Equal Opportunities: Companies should ensure that opportunities for growth and development are accessible to all employees, irrespective of gender. Fair performance assessments and promotions based on merit can help alleviate concerns about bias.

The Way Forward

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Companies must prioritize diversity and inclusion initiatives to create a more inclusive workplace culture. Implementing mentorship programs, diversity training, and equal opportunity policies can contribute to changing perceptions.

Education and Awareness: Educational institutions can play a significant role in shaping future workplace dynamics. Schools and colleges can introduce courses and discussions on gender equality, challenging stereotypes, and promoting diverse leadership.

Empowering Women Leaders: While addressing negative perceptions is essential, empowering women to excel in leadership roles is equally crucial. Encouraging and supporting women to reach leadership positions can help normalize female leadership.

The matter of men holding negative sentiments about working under women in India is a multifaceted issue grounded in societal norms, cultural elements, and individual experiences. Nevertheless, with proactive initiatives from both organizations and society on a broad scale, it is feasible to confront these perceptions and establish workplaces that are more inclusive, diverse, and equitable. Transforming these dynamics necessitates a collective endeavor to dismantle stereotypes, encourage open dialogue, and ensure equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of gender. Ultimately, cultivating a workplace where every individual feels esteemed and appreciated is not solely a question of gender; it represents progress and advancement for the entire nation. 

Sunday, 28 May 2023

Elevator Etiquette

Elevators have definitely become an integral part of our daily lives, transporting us efficiently and swiftly to our desired floors. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of busy buildings, it's crucial to remember the importance of elevator etiquette. By practicing considerate behaviour and mindful actions, we can create a harmonious and comfortable environment for everyone sharing this vertical journey. Let's delve into some essential guidelines for impeccable lift etiquette.

Respect Personal Space:
When entering the elevator, be mindful of the personal space of others already inside. Allow passengers to exit before stepping in, and avoid crowding the entrance. If the elevator is already full, wait for the next one instead of squeezing in. Remember, everyone deserves a comfortable and unobstructed ride.

Hold the Door:
If you notice someone rushing to catch the elevator, a small act of kindness can make a significant difference. Politely hold the door open for them, ensuring they have a chance to board. However, be mindful of the door closing time and don't excessively delay the elevator's operation.

Floor Selection:
When you reach your floor, promptly exit the elevator to allow others to do the same. If you are in the front and someone needs to get off before you, step back and let them pass. Avoid rushing or pushing others in your eagerness to exit or board the elevator.

Keep Conversations and Noise Levels in Check:
Maintaining a reasonable noise level contributes to a comfortable environment inside the elevator. If engaged in conversation, be aware of your volume and tone. Avoid sharing personal or sensitive information that might make others uncomfortable. Respect the space as a shared public area.

Accessibility for All:
Elevators are vital for individuals with mobility challenges. If you notice someone with a disability, offer assistance if hneeded, such as pressing the buttons or holding the door open longer. Make way for those who require extra time or use mobility aids, allowing them to navigate the elevator safely.

Technology Usage:
While it's common to be engrossed in our smartphones or devices, it's essential to be mindful of others. Avoid loud phone conversations or playing audio at high volumes. Be courteous and considerate of fellow passengers who may prefer a quiet and peaceful ride.

Elevator etiquette is a reflection of our respect and consideration for others. By following these simple guidelines, we can create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone sharing the vertical journey. Let's embrace the principles of courtesy, patience, and empathy, making each elevator ride a pleasant part of our day. Together, we can elevate our collective experience in these vertical space. 
#aditi_pinkcity #elevators #etiquette #workculture #happyemployees

Saturday, 6 May 2023

Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo's famous "Demain, dès l'aube"
An attempt to localize it 🤍

कल अल-सुब्ह

कल, अल-सुब्ह, 
जब गाँव में पहली किरण रौशन होगी,
मैं चल पडूँगा।
देखो, मुझे पता है कि तुम्हें मेरा इंतज़ार है।
मैं घने जंगल में दरख्तों तले चलूँगा,
ऊँचे पहाड़ों से होकर आऊंगा।
मैं अब तुमसे दूर नहीं रह सकता।

मैं चलता रहूंगा।
मेरी नज़र मेरे ख़यालों पर टिकी होगी,
आस-पास का कुछ नहीं देखूँगा
और न ही कोई आवाज़ सुनूंगा।
एक अकेला अजनबी मैं,
अपनी झुक चुकी कमर के सामने
दोनों हाथ बांधे हुए चलूँगा
दुख से भरा होगा मेरा मन
और तब मेरे लिए दिन रात जैसा होगा।

मैं सुनहरी शाम के सोने को
फैलते और ज़मीं पर गिरते हुए नहीं देखूंगा,
न ही दूर दिख रहे, "हाफ्लर" की तरफ
जा रहे जहाज़ों की तरफ़ नज़र उठाऊँगा।
और, जब मैं अंततः आऊंगा,
तो "होली" की सब्ज़ पत्तियों और
"हैदर" के सदाबहार फूलों का गुलदस्ता
मैं तुम्हारी कब्र पर रखूंगा। 


Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.
J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.

Je marcherai les yeux  fixés sur mes pensées,
Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,
Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,
Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.

Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,
Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,
Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe
Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.